That was until I happened to stumble upon ; my local used ; BMW dealership. ; I was innocently out for a pootle in my modest little supermini , not at all intending to find a place ; that might fuel my lust for the more opulent four-wheeled friend , when I drove past a dealership that had the audacity to be filled with gorgeous , shiny used BMW models at very attractive prices. So help me , I was in there like a shot , almost forgetting to remove my seatbelt in my eagerness to check out their wares. ; A striking 5 Series saloon caught my eye , and the rest , as they say , is history !. Thanks to ; this unexpected discovery , the ; car of my dreams has become a reality.
Instead , this manufacturer of some of the finest luxury vehicles in the world opted , with great German logic , to simply number each of different series of models , with a complex set of numbers and letters. We shall try to unravel the mysteries of the German car manufacturing mind , by listing the different models , so that hopefully you may comprehend the BMW range. BMW currently produces the 1 Series , 3 Series , 5 Series , 7 Series , as well as SUVs that naturally to the German's , have the letter X and two-seater roadsters , perhaps you guessed that these all use the letter Z. Each of the BMW designations refer to either the first number or alternatively to the first letter of the name.
BMW 1-series 5D " " BMW - New Models For 2009 " , " BMW car has always been a major symbol of class and fame. Since the launch of its first model , every car has always been known for its performance , design and look. Featured with world-class features and giving tough competition to other car manufactures , every car model of BMW series has made four-wheel lover crazy when it comes to choose or buy a BMW modeled car. For years , BMW has introduced so many best designed car models that deciding to choose a model among different modeled BMW series has always been a daunting task. If you are new to BMWs then definitely it is going to be more difficult as you may find it hard to select between all different models. At the moment , BMW produces the 1 Series , 3 Series , 5 Series , 7 Series , as well as SUVs ( letter X ) and two-seater roadsters ( letter Z ). Each series has its own uniqueness.
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